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Analysis of functional skills in young children with disabilities through application e EarlyCare: a detection and implementation of person-to-person therapy programs Voltar

03/05/2019 - 03/04/2019    Auditório da Escola Superior de Enfermagem da UMinho, das 10:00h às 12:00h
eEarlyCare computer program is an application that it allows to record and to interpret of results in Scale for the measurement of functional abilities in 0-6 years old (SFA). This Scale analyzes functional abilities that are distributed in 11 areas (Food Autonomy, Personal Care and Hygiene, Independently dresses and undresses, Sphincter control, Functional mobility, Communication and language, Resolution of tasks in social contexts, Interactive and symbolic play, Daily life routines, Adaptive behavior and Attention). These areas include 48 sub-areas. eEarlyCare allows the recording and interpretation of the functional development of users, compared to the evolutionary development in each ability. It is measured on a Likert scale from 1 to 5, from nothing to everything. This tool facilitates the detection of problems in the development of functional skills, guides the implementation of intervention programs and in turn facilitates the monitoring of users within such programs. Before to use eEarlyCare the teacher or therapist can to observe different abilities in natural contexts. Also, it can confirm these results with parent’s information. In particular, Windows Presentation Foundation, by Microsoft technology has been used in the development of the eEarlyCare application. This technology allows the development of desktop applications with medium-low machine requirements and a future hosting as an embedded object in a website. The use of this technology allows the integration of advanced charts obtaining very good charts results and a great user-experience. These charts improve visualizations and interactivity with the user, obtained with classic tools such as the use of spreadsheets. These applications can store their data locally on a relational database as SQLServer, and finally, export the information in Excel spreadsheets. These features make it easy to record and process data, displaying results in charts. Furthermore, this technology makes possible to carry out more complex statistical analyses with the application of supervised (classification and/or regression) and unsupervised (Clustering) Machine Learning techniques, by exporting the results to more powerful statistical packages as SPSS, Weka or using R or Python libraries. In summary, eEarlyCare improve the study of results of observation in natural environments. Because, it allows a fast recording and processing of the data offering the teacher or therapist an analysis practically in real time and facilitating the derivation of the generated database to other statistical instruments that will give him/her much more information. In summary, eEarlyCare improves early detection of possible pathologies and early intervention in these cases. María Consuelo Sáiz Manzanares has a degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca (Spain), degree in Educational Sciences from UNED (Spain), a Doctorate Degree in Psychology from the University of Valladolid (UVA) (Spain). Also, she is an Expert in Virtual Teaching from the University of Burgos (UBU) (Spain). Likewise, she has the B2 certificate in English from the UBU Modern Languages Center: Equally, she has completed numerous specialization courses at the university teaching and non-university teaching. In addition, she has been a High School teacher in Psychology and Pedagogy area (official by competition-opposition) currently on leave. At this moment, she is a Full Professor at the UBU in Development Psychology and Education Area at the Faculty of Health Sciences. Throughout her university teaching activity, she has taught more than 3000 hours of teaching in undergraduate, bachelor, master, and postgraduate courses. Currently, she teaches in the Occupational Therapy and Nursing degrees and Education Master and Research Master. She is also a is director of Group Research DATAHES (https://www.ubu.es/data-analysis-techniques-applied-health-environments-sciences-datahes-0) and the Teaching Innovation Group “B- Learning in Health Sciences (B-LCS)” in UBU http://metodologiasactivascienciasdelasalud.blogspot.com/p/quienes-somos.html. She has 44 publications in journals, 27 indexed in WOS and in Scopus and 17 indexed in IN-RECS, 15 books and 8 book chapters in publishers of recognized national and international prestige. These publications are related to two lines of research: 1) development of mentalist skills in young children and intervention programs, 2) teaching-learning strategies in high school and university students and intervention programs. As well she has also participated in several research projects (two of which has been principal research) and educational innovation on the same subject. Currently, she is a Management of the Quality Assessment Area at the University of Burgos. She belongs to numerous commissions, among which the Teaching Activity Evaluation and Quality Assurance Committee, stands out. Also, she is reviewed the Certificate of Verification of the Degrees. During the period of quality management (7 years) the accreditation of all UBU degrees has been renewed (27 degrees and 14 master's degrees) and the Docentia Program (Evaluation of teaching activity) has been certified by the ANECA and ACSUCYL Quality Agencies, both integrates in ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education).
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